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115 Watchers77 Deviations
Tagged BY: :iconlemonpoppyseedmuffin:

Rules: Use one or more of your OCs, maybe even add yourself if you please to take this interview test.I'M JUST GONNA ANSWER THEM BECAUSE MY OCs ARE HIBERNATING BUT IF I TAGGED YOU AND YOU HAVE ACTIVE OCs THEN GO FOR IT

jerry is so cool he's doing this for her because she's lazy

-A. How old are you?
23 actually she's 69

-B. Do you want a hug?
"Fuck no I hate hugging people"

-C. Have any bad habits?
Yeah I chew the skin around my thumbnail

-D. You a virgin?

-E. Have any kids?
So many and each of them is more beautiful than the last

-F. Favorite food or drink?
Sushi spe ghetto Diet Coke and hot tea

-G. Killed anyone?
Only Danielle knows

-H. What is your idea of a date?
Renting a movie and attempting to cook a lavish dinner (and dessert) and smoking lots of weed and cuddling

-I. Any artistic talents?
Makeup the Kylie Jenner lip lit specifically ;* jk it's painting

-J. Love anyone?
she sucks -.- but she should love meeee -.-

-K. What is your job

-L Favorite season & least favorite season
Fall, spring and summer

-M. Who's your best friend?
It better be fucking me

-N. Hobbies?
Not washing my hair, making salads, painting, and walking

-P. What is your eye color?
Aqua (damn we are getting jazzy af)

-R. If you could get anything right now what would it be?

-S. What is your dream?
To be happy but like if we're talking very shallow then my dream is to get a bunch of donuts filled with money

-T. Does your name have a special meaning?
Yeah it means "one who sees"

-U. What were you like as a child?
Probably annoying no I kept to myself a lot

-V. Any siblings?

-W. Where do you live?
Sunshine state

-X. Do you find yourself attractive?
on a good day I feel like a solid 8/10 and on a bad day 6 or 5/10

-Y. Was this fun?
It was only fun because jerry filled it out for me

-Z. Any last words?

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Tagged by LemonPoppySeedMuffin

The rules:

- Write 13 things about yourself.
- You must answer the questions asked by the person who has tagged you and also create 13 questions for the people you've tag.
- Choose 13 people you like to tag. (I don't even know that many people LOL)
- I'm changing this rule, you read the journal, you're tagged ;)
- Make a journal.
- //Casually deletes some of the rules because rules are no fun.  Stick it to the man!
- This is optional, be original with the title.
1. I'm babysitting right now
2. I find HGTV sort of addicting as of a few months ago
3. I have lots of fuckboy socks
4. I have two cats (Tyrion and Furry-chan)
5. I crave Mexican food usually every day
6. I survive on bread and diet soda
7. One day I want to live in Japan and teach English
8. I woke up at 6 this morning
9. My favorite color is green
10. The only video game I've ever played until the end is Pokemon
11. I don't like wearing shoes
12. My favorite movie is The Departed
13. I'll probably get Panera Bread for dinner tonight (as usual)

LemonPoppySeedMuffin's Questions:
1. What would you do if you had three best friends, and you won two tickets to a concert?
-I'd take myself and my mom

2. What do you look for in a friend?
-Somebody who can appreciate simple things and doesn't need to be entertained.

3.  Do you think you're approachable?
-I hope so? I actually love approaching/being approached my random people.

4.  Would you rather go to a restaurant and not be able to pay or would you rather accidentally shove someone into a wall while walking by them?
-Shove somebody into a wall :'D

5. Would you rather have a dog shit on your bedroom floor or a cat barf on your couch?
-Ew well I've cleaned cat puke before so I'll choose the latter.

6. These questions are absurd.  Define the word "utopia".
-Uh an ultimate society united by one or two common ideas in which all things work together cohesively? Idfk

7. What is the formula for photosynthesis?
-Water+Sugars+Light=big ass plants

8. Who wrote the novel 1984?
-George Orwell

9. Find the square root of 439.
-Hahahahaha no I don't feel like it

10. Describe the feudal system in Medevieval Europe.
-Plots of farmland that were essentially controlled by the government and run by peasants to produce food for the next social tier above them (militia?) who in turn provided services to the tier above them etc, etc.

11. When was the Battle of Bunkerhill?
-During the American Revolution (I originally was going to say Civil War but I cheated oops)

12.  Explain what carpetbaggers were during the Reconstruction Period in America after the Civil War.
-What the fuck kind of questions are these :iconlemonpoppyseedmuffin: ;-;
Ah carpetbaggers were another term used to describe people from the North who gathered their belongings and moved south with hopes of capitalizing on the economy after the Civil War.

13.  Please provide a brief biographical summary of Julius Caesar below.

Aquage's Questions: (which will be way dumber and easier to answer)
1. If you could eat sushi with anybody dead or alive who would you choose?
2. Choose two favorite books.
3. Have you ever ridden a horse? What about a seahorse?
4. If you were aboard the Titanic would you have died or survived?
5. What about other people bothers you the most?
6. What about other people excites you the most?
7. If you had to eat one food every day for the next 3 years what would it be?
8. Favorite Saturday morning cartoon?
9. If you met Nicolas Cage irl what would you say to him?
10. How much pasta is too much pasta?
11. Name a place in the world you'd want to live (where the dominant/national language isn't English.)
12. What are you going to dress up as for Halloween this year (if you partake?)
13. What are you doing right now?


I tag you, the reader.  Have fun, and now you can tell your parents you're being educational on the internet.
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Again, Again

5 min read
tagged by :iconlemonpoppyseedmuffin:


RULE 1. You can only say Guilty or Innocent.

RULE 2. You are not allowed to explain anything unless someone messages you and asks!

Now, here's what you're supposed to do... And please do not spoil the fun. Copy and paste this into your journal, delete my answers, type in your answers and tag 5-10 of your friends to answer this. Then see what happens.

1. Asked someone to marry you?

2. Kissed one of your friends?
Guilty (it doesn't count)

3. Danced on a table in a bar?

4. Ever told a lie?
Guilty :(

5. Had feelings for someone whom you can't have?

6. Ever kissed someone of the same sex?

7. Kissed a picture?
Guilty (that's always so awkward to admit)

8. Slept in until 5 PM?

9. Fallen asleep at work/school?

10. Held a snake?

11. Been suspended from school?
Innocent X)

12. Worked at a fast food chain/restaurant?

13. Stolen something?
Guilty (tabasco sauce from chipotle!?)

14. Been fired from a job?

15. Done something you regret?

16. Laughed until something you were drinking came out of your nose?

17. Caught a snowflake on your tongue?
Guilty! But such a long time ago :(

18. Kissed in the rain?
Guilty (hehehe)

19. Sat on a roof top?

20. Kissed someone you shouldn't?

21. Sang in the shower?
Guilty (who doesn't!?)

22. Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?

23. Shaved your head?

24. Slept naked? (Including as a baby ouo)
Guilty (it's quite nice)

25. Had a boxing membership?

26. Made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?
Guilty (how shitty)

27. Been in a band?

28. Shot a gun?
Guilty (at a paper target only!)

29. Donated blood?

30. Eaten alligator meat?
Guilty. You can't live in Florida without having tried that at some point ;-;

31. Eaten cheesecake?
Guilty (because cheesecake is amazing)

32. Still love someone you shouldn't?

33. Have/had a tattoo?

34. Liked someone, but will never tell who?

35. Been too honest?
Innocent? Maybe I've overstepped boundaries before, though

36. Ruined a surprise?

37. Ate in a restaurant and got really bloated that you can't walk afterwards?
Innocent!? (I've gotten uncomfortably full, but I can still walk!)

38. Erased someone in your friends list?

39. Dressed in a woman's clothes (if you're a guy) or man's clothes (if you're a girl)?
Guilty (for costume XD)

40. Joined a pageant?

41. Been told that you're handsome or beautiful by someone who totally meant what they said?

42. Still have communication w/ your ex?

43. Cheated on someone?

44. Get totally drunk one night and you have an important exam tomorrow morning?

45. A total stranger treated you by paying your fare?

46. Get totally angry that you cried so hard?
Guilty (I cry a lot)

47. Tried to stay away from someone for their own good?
Guilty ;-;

48. Thought about suicide?

49. Thought about murder?

50. How about Mass Murder?

51. Rode in a stranger's vehicle?

52. Stalked someone?
Guilty UHH my boyfriend? X)

53. Had a girlfriend/boyfriend

54. Gotten totally drunk during a holiday
Guilty (it was 1 time)

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Tagged by :iconlemonpoppyseedmuffin:


[x] You watch anime.

not much as I'd like to

[x] You read manga.


[ ] You buy/collect anime DVDs or manga volumes.

[x]You own some other form of anime/manga merchandise.

[x] You have referred to an anime character as 'hot' before.

[ ] You have cosplayed.

but I want to so badly

[ ] You have done so in public.

[ ] You have been to an anime/manga convention.

[x] You have created/joined a fanclub for an anime/manga character.

[ ] You have created/joined a hateclub for an anime/manga character.

[ ] You have squealed when you found out somebody had the same name as an anime character you knew.

[x] You enjoy drawing anime.

it's sort of what got me started drawing in the first place

[x] People you know know you as the 'anime' person.

hahahahahaha ya. ;_;

[x] You know that it is pronounced 'mawnguh' and not 'manga' like it is spelled.


[x] You like art.
no fuck art


[x] You actually consider yourself an artist.

I didn't take out student loans for nothing


[x] When using art supplies, the brand of them matters to you.

[x] You have a favorite brand. 

[x] You have asked for art supplies as a Christmas/birthday gift before.

I need to be there to pick it out, though XD

[x] You give people your drawings as gifts.
only if they ask for one


[x] People actually ask for your drawings.
thank god


[x] You are known as 'the art person' at your school.
at least that's what my yearbook says


[ ] Instead of just 'brown' or "pink', you'd be specific; it's 'sienna brown' or 'blush pink'. Or whatever. BLOOD ORANGE

[ ] You have taken an art class outside of school.

[x] You have considered a career as an artist.

[x] Your school papers are always covered in doodles.

[x] You have a favorite artist.

[x] Your drawings have been framed.

[ ] You carry a sketchbook with you everywhere you go.

I probably should..


[ ] You play a musical instrument.

in high school I attempted learning to play the bassoon. HA

[ ] You play more than one instrument.

[ ] You actually really enjoy playing your instrument.

[ ] You've given your instrument a name.

[ ] You've participated in an extracurricular activity for your instrument.

[ ] You are known by what you play.

[x] You listen to classical music.

[ ] You are wondering whether that refers to the classical music genre or the classical music time period.

oops you caught me i'm a phony

[] You have a favorite composer.

[ ] All of your friends are from your band/orchestra class.

[ ] You write music.

[x] You've had discussions with your friends about music; your favorite composers/instruments/musical time periods/key/etc...

[ ] You have considered a professional career with your instrument.

[ ] You are never nervous playing for other people.

MUSICAL NERD POINTS: 2 (clearly not cut out for the music field)

[x] You play video games.

but if they're scary, I only like to watch.

[ ] You own more than 4 different video game systems.

[ ] You've had debates over which system is the greatest.

[ ] You play video games every day.

[x] You have played a video game for over 10 hours.

if I don't train my pokemon, who will?

[x] You have songs from your favorite video games on your MP3 Player.

yoko shimomura is god

[x ] You love to talk about video games.

only ones i've actually played

[ ] You memorize the dates for when a new game is being released.

[ ] People know you as the 'gamer' person.

[ ] You spend more time on video games than you do hanging out with friends.

[ ] Your gaming system is in your room.

[ ] You have preferences when it comes to what company your game came from.

[ ] You've had debates over which company is the best.

[ ] You keep playing a game until you beat it.

[ ] NEVER LOOK UP CHEATS FOR BOSS BATTLES. >:{] It makes you angry when you found out somebody looked up cheat codes on the internet to beat their game.


[x] You use the computer every day.

is that a joke?

[x] You have an account/username on some sort of social website.

[ ] You go into random internet chatrooms.

[x] You spend at least 2 hours a day on the computer.

[x] You use computer faces; : D XD XP D: ^_^ >.> and etc.

[x] It is hard to go a day without using the computer.

[x] You spend time in online forums.

much less than I used to

[x] In the forum/chatroom you use, you are known there by everyone else.

am I allowed to relive my glory days? (RIP Distant Horizons..)

[x] You have friends you have only met online.

[ ] You have/have had a girlfriend/boyfriend you have only met online.

[ ] You have actually met an online friend in person.

[x] U cn ezly rd 'txttlk.' gf liek omg

[x] You have said 'lol' or 'omg' in speech that is not online.

sometimes it slips out!!!

[ ] You can type really, really fast.


-------meme 2----------

Three things you wanna do before you die:
1) Live and work in Japan for at least 2 years
2) See the titanic in person before it disintegrates
3) Work as a concept artist (ha ha. one day)

Three names people call you:
1) Jessica
2) Jess
3) Jessica Lynn (wow how original are these)

Three nicks you have used:
1) Con
2) Babe
3) Furry-Chan (my long-haired kitty)

Three things of your physical you like the most:
1) My body generally functions pretty well, I think
2) Can I be vain and say I 'm pretty happy with my eye color?
3) I like being short

Three parts of your heritage:
1) Italian (I'm quite loud and use my hands when I talk. Plus my skin is sort of olive-y)

2) German (maybe why I don't like hugging or touching other people HAHA
3) UH American!? This question confuses me :(

Three things you're afraid of:
1) Not living up to me expectations of myself. (how shitty does that sound?
2) Death
3) Being alone (against my choice)

Three essential things you do everyday:
1) Feed the cats!!
2) Eat bread
3) At least think about making art (that'll do, donkey. that'll do)

Three things you're wearing right now:
1) Leggings
2) Cardigan
3) Glasses
(AKA I look like a hipsta kid when I'm drinking my lattes)

Three of your favorite bands:
1) 30 Seconds to Mars
2) Third Eye Blind
3) Ben Howard

(the second two are just what I've been listening to a lot lately)

Three of your favorite songs:
1) Capricorn - 30 Seconds to Mars
2) Arcadia - The Kite String Tangle
3) Passion - Yoko Shimomura

Three things you want in a relationship:
1) Laughter
2) A best friend
3) Somebody who can keep me grounded and laugh at me every once in a while.

Two true things and one lie (not necessarily in that order)
1) I have a passport
2) I love to eat cold spaghetti
3) I'm an early bird

Three of your favorite hobbies:
1) Making art (that looks at least fucking decent)
2) Eating and cooking
3) Exploring really neat nature places (as long as it isn't 1000 degrees outside

Three things you desperately want to do right now:
1) Finish these stupid line art commissions
2) Possibly eat another cupcake (not desperately)
3) Watch tv with my cats and boyfriend >.>

Three careers you're considering or you're doing:

1) Concept artist
2) Freelance illustrator
3) English teacher (in JAPAN)

Three places you want to go for holidays:
1) Not home
2) Home
3) Italy (a return to the motherland xD)

Three names for your children:
1) Sebastian
2) Ilya
3) Uh do I even want kids

Three things that make you stereotypically a girl :
1) Boobs (is that stereotypical?!)
2) I actually enjoy cooking and doing laundry
3) Non-confrontational

Three things that make you stereotypically a boy:
1) I curse a lot
2) Eating as much as a 700 pound man
3) Calling chicks hot

ONE - Spell your name in only vowels: EIA
TWO - Are you single?: No
THREE - Whats your favorite number?: 27
FOUR - What color do you wear most?: Gray
FIVE - Least favorite color?: Uh..I don't really dislike any but I hate wearing yellow? X)
SIX - Favorite candy?: Dat cookies and cream Hershey's bar
SEVEN - What do you smoke?: Weed
EIGHT - Are you happy with your life right now?: Should probably be happier than I feel
NINE - Anyone ever said you resemble a celebrity?: People used to say I looked like a Who from Dr. Suess movies
TEN - What is your favorite class in school?: Literature (I'm not in school anymore ;_;)
ELEVEN - Do you shop at Hollister/DC/Bluenotes?: Hollister - clearance section only
TWELVE - How do you make money?: Nannying
THIRTEEN - Who is your best friend?: My boyfriend
FOURTEEN - Where do you go to school?: I just graduated from FSU (go Noles!)
FIFTEEN - Are you outgoing?: Typically
SIXTEEN - One word to describe you?: Little (but noisy)
SEVENTEEN - Favorite pair of shoes?: None
EIGHTEEN - Do you own big sunglasses?: I have a pair of aviators and they look badass so yes?
NINETEEN - Where do you wish you were right now?: Japan or Seattle
TWENTY - What should you be doing right now?: Commissions
TWENTY ONE - Do you have a crush on anyone right now?: Still waiting for Leonardo Dicaprio to notice me.

Honestly, what's on your mind right now?: I'm procrastinating
Honestly, what are you doing right now?: Procrastinating
Honestly, have you done something bad today?: Didn't eat enough cupcakes
Honestly, do you watch Disney Channel?: Used to
Honestly, who is the last person you talked to on the phone?: My mom :3
Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now?: Can't immediately think of anybody..which is nice
Honestly, what makes you mad most of the time?: Close-mindedness
Honestly, do you bite your nails?: No
Honestly, do you want to see someone this very moment?: Just my cat, but he's in the next room over
Honestly, are you keeping a big secret right now?: I'm actually a 48 year old man
Honestly, do you have a friend you don't actually like?: Eh

Can you blow a bubble?: Yes
Can you dance?: Fuck no
Can you do a cart wheel?: I wish
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth?: Never actually tried
Can you whistle?: No :(
Can you wiggle your ears?: I didn't think people could actually do this
Can you wiggle your nose?: No
Can you roll your tongue?: Yes
Can you make a clover with your tongue?: No

What do you do when you're mad? Act passive aggressive (oops that's immature isn't it)
What's the worst thing you've done when you were mad? Blamed my own problems on somebody else
Ever made anyone cry when you were mad? No

Ever really cried your heart out? I guess?
Ever cried yourself to sleep? Yes
Ever cried on your friend's shoulder? No that's too touchy feely for me
Ever cried over the opposite sex? Yes
Ever cried over the same sex? Yes
Do you cry when you get an injury? All the time (I'm a child)
Do certain songs make you cry? Definitely
Do certain movies make you cry? YES I AM SO SAPPY

Are you usually a happy person? Yeah!
What makes you the happiest? Being productive and present
Does being with your friends make you happy? Depends on who and when
Do you believe in yourself? Half of the time
Do you wish you were happier? Don't we all?
Is being happy overrated? I don't think so

Can music make you happy? Yes

How many times have you had your heart broken? Once so far *knocks on wood*
Have you ever loved someone so much that you'd die for them? Idk that's fucking tough
Has anyone besides your friends and family ever said 'I love you'? Yes

Do you actually hate anyone? I've said I hated people before so I guess!
Have you ever been on a hit list? Oh my god I hope not
Are you a mean bully?: No
Do you hate George Bush?: The painter?

Is your self-esteem extremely low? No
Do you think you're good looking? As long as people aren't lying to me, I think I am?!
Do you wish you could be someone else? No

What is your current hair color? Dark brown
What is your eye color? Light green/blue (I actually don't know exactly)
What is your skin tone? Pale. Olive.
Current piercings? My ears. But I never wear earrings.
Have any tattoos? Nope
Straight hair or curly? Wavy

What shirt are you wearing? Loungy hipster clothes
Necklace(s)? No
Shoes? I never wear shoes

Hugged someone? Usually always against my own will
Been on the phone until the sun came up? If I have I don't remember
Laughed so hard you peed in your pants? YES
Laughed so hard you cried? Yes
Got in a fight with someone? Yes

Person you talked to in person? My boyfriend
Person you talked to online? Art friends
Person you hugged? Furry-Chan

Do you like surveys? Fuck no
Do you get along with your parents? Having daddy issues atm
Do you have mental breakdowns? Seldom but yes

Current mood: Sleepy AF but also want a cupcake
Current music: Third Eye Blind on Pandora
Current hair style: SLoppy bun
Current crush: My cats are pretty cute u know
Current thing I ought to be doing: Working on commissions
Current windows open: Pandora, Deviantart, Facebook, MS Word
Current desktop picture: Mushi-Shi!!

Did you ever get into a fist fight in school? No thank jesus
Did you ever run away from home? Too afraid of getting kidnapped to ever consider that
Did you ever want to be a doctor? When I was a kid I wanted to be a vet and save animals (aw)
Did you ever want to be a fire fighter? No 

Do you know how to swim?: Yes (like a frog)
Do you like roller coasters?: Yeah!
Do you own a bike?: Not anymore 
Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows?: I'd like to think I could

Does hair loss run in your family at all?: Hahaha no
Does your car get good gas mileage?: I drive a big, old, red truck. I get 11 miles to the gallon. Because fuck the environment.
Does your family have family picnics?: HA

Have you ever been on a plane?: Only a few times
Have you ever been to the ocean?: I grew up on the beach
Have you ever painted your nails?: I probably should paint them more often

How tall are you?: 5 feet and proud
How much money do you have on you right now?: $12 (big ballin)

Last person you hung out with?: I live with my boyfriend, so..
Last thing someone said to you?: "what sup"
Last thing you said out loud?: "He's a social butterCAT!" (and I just craked myself up because that is fucking funny)

What are you listening to?: What's My Age Again -Blink 182
What is the weather outside?: Hot and humid
What radio station do you listen to?: A lot
What was the last restaurant you ate at?: McDonald's ayy
What was the last thing you had to drink?: Coffee (it's wearing off)
What was the last movie you watched?: Mean Girls

1. At your best, you are… (Three qualities)
1. Thoughtful (tries to be)
2. Energetic
3. Funny

2. At your worst, you are… (Three qualities)
1. Passive aggressive
2. Jealous
3. A terrible listener

3. What do you seek in life?

To be a better version of myself (bet you never heard that one before)

4. Your closest ally is someone who…
Accepts me for who I am and doesn't ask me to change

5. How do you think others see you?

Ditsy and probably scatter brained

6. How do you see yourself?

As somebody who is too lazy for their own good. I feel like I expect a lot of myself all the time

7. What is your greatest ambition?
To live and work in a completely new place, and challenge myself to succeed in that environment.

8. What is your greatest fear?
Being alone and inadequate :/

9. What would you change about yourself?
I want to be a better listener

10. What is the worst quality a person can have?
Being ignorant and enjoying drama

11. What is the best quality a person can have?
Being open, interested in lots of different things, and wanting to learn

12. What is your greatest ability? 
I know I should say painting. But I'm also really good at playing cute to get out of certain situations ;)

13. What is your greatest failing?
Asking somebody a question and not fully listening or investing myself in their response. I need to work on that badly

14. How would you describe your style of art?
Always changing. Painterly I guess

15. What do you like best about your art?
I can work pretty quickly?

16. What do you hate most about your art?
A lot of it is never up to par with what I had in mind when I started

17. How do you come through in what you create?
I try to work bold and spontaneously 

18. What are the most common themes in your work?

19. What do you wish to create?
Something that looks nice

20. What is powerful about your art?
The process of creating it. I don't think my artwork is necessarily deep or conceptual, though

21. What sort of art do you like to see from others?
Anything illustrative and emotional

22. What is your least favorite kind of art from others?

I don't think I really care enough. As long as somebody's making art, that's cool. I guess I don't really like art that goes for shock-factor.

23. What inspires you?

Stories, music, and lots of incredible artists

24. What do you think makes a great artist?
Perseverance and technique (wow lame) but I really enjoying seeing how different artists approach similar concepts, and I love seeing how they developed their career as an artist

25. What do you think makes a bad artist?
Should I say something like "being a sellout"? Money is cool, too

26. What is creativity, in your opinion?
Inspiration expressed

1. What are your nickname/s?
Jess, Jessybean, Jessica Lynn, and uh some other stuff my boyfriend calls me :x (don't call me Jessy, pls)

2. Are there any nicknames you wish people called you? 
Khaleesi. (jk but not rlly)

3. Any other Nationalities in your blood then just American? 

4. What style of clothes do you like best? 
I like to go for stoner hipster who does yoga maybe 3 times a year

5. If you had a pet Vulture, what would you name him/her?
Nicolas Cage

6. Favourite Movie that's been made in the last two years?:

7. What animated Movies do you prefer? Pixar or Traditional pen and ink? 
2D Disney!!!

8. What's your favourite meat?
None ;_;

9. So, your thoughts on Mexico?
I love their food

10. Have you ever Role Played?
I used to when I was in middle school. I think I was pretty good.

11. Wore any other countries flag on your clothing other then your own countries flag?
That sounds kind of tacky?

12. Last time you drank a cup of Tea?
This morning

13. Do you ever want to go to Canada?

14. Have you ever broken a bone?
Not yet ;D

15. Accents: attractive, or a turnoff?:  
Hot as fuck

16. What country of this planet could the world do without?

17. Do you have a favourite colour?

18. When did you paint your toes last?
I forced my friend to paint my toes last

19. Do you have any guilty pleasures?
I once bought two One Direction posters. They were destroyed when I wasn't looking LOL

20. Ever fired a gun?
Yes. At an inanimate target. Once is enough for me

21. What country would you like to visit right now?
Japan or Italy.

22. What's your favourite musical instrument?

23. Ticklish?
Oh my god YES

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1 min read
Hello friends, fans, and watchers!

I finally made a Society6 and I've uploaded a few digital pieces so far. You can check it out at the link below I am a dummy!  Heart…

Love and thanks!
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Jerry is sexy and the best person ever by aquage, journal

Devious Journal Entry by aquage, journal

Again, Again by aquage, journal

MEME ME UP, SCOTTY by aquage, journal

Society6 by aquage, journal